Your All-in-One FMCG Wholesale Website Solution

Launch your ready-to-use FMCG supplier website instantly, complete with actual products and services. Easily update your product listings across different categories in real-time

Unique Features

Effortlessly manage products with real-time updates, SEO optimization, shortcode, and product categories. Instantly contact via WhatsApp, email, or Contact Supplier form.

Wordpress admin dashobard

Intuitive interface for seamless site management, including content, plugins, themes, and user settings

Website with actual product

Fully functional e-commerce site showcasing real upto 500 products with product info, pricing and details.

6 months free support

Dedicated technical support and updates for six months, ensuring smooth website operation and timely product updates

SEO Optimization

Advanced tools to enhance search engine rankings, driving organic traffic to your website.

We trust you – No Upfront

Start your online journey with no initial payment required; pay only when you’re satisfied

Domain + Hosting

Solution includes one year of free domain and web hosting with no extra charges.

Flexible FMCG Wholesale Website Pricing Plans

FMCG pricing solutions for every business size and budget.

How to Reach Us

Contact Weblogix Software for premium website development services

We provide cutting-edge solutions, ensuring quality, efficiency, and a seamless online experience to meet your business needs and elevate your digital presence.


Mobile: +91 8369968321